"Methods and types of research in didactics of languages and cultures"

Methods and types of research in didactics of languages and cultures
PUREN_2022h-en_Methods types research in
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This text is the English version of Part 5, "Mettre en oeuvre ses méthodes de recherche" ("Implementing research methods") of my online course "Méthodologie de la recherche en didactique des langues-cultures” “Methodology of research in didactics of languages and cultures” (DLC), French original version of July 25, 2013, translation to English November 10, 2022.


In this text, "Part 5" therefore refers to the text itself. In the first part, I present the different types of research in DLC based on a model that crosses the comprehension-intervention axis with the object-subject axis. In the second part, I review the different research methods that seem to me to be the most appropriate, and I argue that it is necessary to cross them as well in order to take into account properly the complexity of any didactic problem. As a general conclusion, I support the idea that DLC being an intervention discipline aiming at the generalization and the perpetuation of proposals for the improvement of the teaching-learning process, the horizon of any research project is the "research-development", which mobilizes all types of research at its service.


Also available at www.researchgate.net/publication/365316991.