Development of the social action-oriented approach and the resulting methodological situation in didactic of languages and cultures

Development of the social action-oriented approach and the resulting methodological situation in didactic of languages and cultures
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Original version and publication (in French)


“L’élaboration de la perspective actionnelle et la situation méthodologique résultante en didactique des langues-cultures”, was published in French in the Proceedings of the 2nd InternationalMethodologicalColloquium "Methodology of Language Learning . Towards Pedagogical, Didactic and Linguistic Excellence", Thessaloniki (Greece), 3-4 September 2018,


I would like to thank my colleague from the University of Izmir (Turkey), Ahmet Acar, for reviewing this translation.



The Social Action-Oriented Approach (SAOA) has been developed for almost twenty years now to respond to two new challenges that emerged in language and culture didactics at the end of the 1990s: on the one hand living together, and on the other hand doing it together - working with the others and "making society with the others" - in a multilingual and multicultural Europe. The SAOA, however, is in no way intended to replace the previous methodology, namely the communicative approach. It is one of the different methodological matrices available, along with the active, communicative-intercultural and plurilingual-pluricultural matrices, all of which are intended to be selected, combined and/or articulated with each other in curricula, teaching materials and classroom practices. The freedom of teachers is considerably increased, but also, as a consequence, their responsibility.