The actuality of the communicative approach within the framework of the implementation of the Social Action-Oriented Approach (SAOA): A matter of contextualized and finalized construction

The actuality of the communicative approach within the framework of the implementation of the Social Action-Oriented Approach (SAOA): A matter of contextualized and finalized construction
French translation of 2018f. Online June 4, 2023.
PUREN_2018f-en-Actuality communicative a
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English translation of "L’actualité de l’approche communicative dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la perspective actionnelle : une affaire de construction située et finalisée", 2018f. This article deals with a particular example of didactic engineering within the framework of a global reform of language teaching in a given school system, in this case Algeria, for the reform of the methodology of teaching national and foreign languages which is in progress there, centered on the implementation of the Social Action-Oriented Approach (SAOA). However, mastery of the communicative approach (CA) is essential to implement this AP, and in the absence of a single and coherent description of this approach, it is therefore essential to build an adequate model. The article may be of interest beyond the particular case of Algeria, insofar as the combination of the communicative approach and the action-oriented perspective is a choice that is currently imposed in school education in many countries (this is the case in France, for example). The article proposes a theoretical process, a practical approach, and several tools to design this combination: a table of "Different methodological matrices available in foreign language-culture didactics", to be combined and articulated between them; different existing lists of CA principles to be prioritized according to local institutional priorities ; finally, a "Conceptual map matrix of the communicative approach " allowing, by adding, deleting and relating its elements, to build a conceptual map of CA in adequacy with the teaching-learning-use environment (it is a "situated" construction), and which therefore takes into account the finalities and objectives of the school teaching of the language-culture (it is a "finalized" construction). Many concepts of the systemic theory used for the presentation of the "general system of research in didactics of languages and cultures" will be found in this essay : "Théorie générale de la recherche en didactique des langues-cultures. Essai" (Puren 2015a). English version online: June 6, 2023. Available also in French: 2018f or