"Communicative approach and social action-oriented approach,

two genetically opposed and complementary methodological organisms"

Communicative approach and social action-oriented approach, two genetically opposed and complementary methodological organisms
PUREN_2014a-en_Communicative approach ve
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This article takes up and reworks quite strongly that of a conference given during the Fourteenth Colloquium of the Association of Japanese Teachers in France (AEJF, Rennes, April 18-19, 2013). In it, I develop the genetic metaphor used for the first time in an intervention made a little later (in May 2013, when a pedagogical day at the Alliance française de Lima, 2013h), as well as the idea of a double relation of opposition-complementarity to be established between the communicative approach on the one hand, and on the other hand an action perspective whose theoretical and practical elaboration seems to me now well advanced.


English version of the french original article: "Approche communicative et perspective actionnelle : deux organismes méthodologiques génétiquement opposées... et complémentaires", 2014a.


Also downloadable from ResarchGate.net: www.researchgate.net/publication/349829905.


I would like to thank my colleague from the University of Izmir (Turkey), Ahmet Acar, for reviewing this translation.